Leisure Suit Larry: Love For Sail!
LINK ::: https://urlgoal.com/2tk8oK
Larry comes up with a variety of ways to cheat in the assigned competitions so that he can get the highest score and win the contest. Among Larry's chosen competitions are a cooking contest, a \"best dressed\" contest, a game of horseshoes, bowling, the sexual prowess contest and others. At times Larry wins these contests not by cheating but only by an unexpected twist of fate triggered by his (often unintentional) actions. For instance, Larry's encounter with fashion designer Jamie Lee Coitus causes his leisure suit to become the height of fashion; as such he wins the best dressed competition.
CARVING KNIFE Found on the meat counter in The Heaving' Ho. It is shown to Annette outside the owner's suite. It is used on the sail above the bridge to get the polyester cloth.
BEST-DRESSED MAN ----------------746 2 Talk to Jamie Lee.763 17 Talk to Jamie Lee about the leisure suit.769 6 Use the screwdriver on the electrical junction box.779 10 Use the jumper wire on the fuse.780 1 Climb up the ladder.781 1 Look at the sail.789 8 Use the carving knife on the sail.796 7 Give the polyester cloth to Jamie Lee.797 1 Read the note on the ballroom door.798 1 Open the stage door.806 8 Model the leisure suit.807 1 Read the note on the ballroom door.810 3 Unzip the mannequin's fly.835 25 Win the Best Dressed competition.
Go to the Best Dressed Competition Area and click on the dildo next to the computer (16/32). Now unzip the mannequin on the left and you will scan your card, again getting a starting score of 2. Head next to Captain Queeg's Ballroom and go through the double doors. Find the dildo at the other end of the stage (17/32), then talk to the woman. Speak about everything listed, then also about \"sex\", \"fashion\" and \"leisure suits\". Say goodbye, then click on yourself, select \"Other\" and type \"dream\" for another easter egg. Before leaving, click on the new dildo over on the right behind the statue (18/32).
Examine all the books and all the other objects here. Go and talk to Victorian Principles about all topics. Choose other and type anything. When she turns to look at the computer take the mucilage. Head south to the waterfall. Near the right column is a where's dildo. Next go to the clothing optional pool. Pick up another where's dildo from the bushes on the left then try and enter the pool. Talk to Dick. You can not enter while you are wearing your suit. He lends you a complimentary swim suit and a towel. Drew Baringmore gets sunscreen in her eyes and grabs your towel. Talk to her about all available topics, also look at the book. This could be just what you need to spice up the librarian, but Drew has not finished with it yet. Also look at the magazine. Go to your cabin. Pick up the where's dildo near the bucket. Look at the toilet and unblock it by removing the spray can. Also take the toilet paper. Go back to the clothing optional pool. Talk to Drew again and ask about the book. This time she lets you take it. Go back to the library. Talk to Victorian again. Choose other and type anything. When she turns to her computer take the book from the top of the pile. Go to your inventory and click on the Prudish and Proud book and select remove jacket. Now click on the book you got from Drew and use it with the Prudish and Proud jacket. Exit your inventory and click on the pile of books and use the book in the Prudish and Proud Jacket. Go back to your cabin. There is another where's dildo beside the toilet. Go to the Sexual Prowess competition, there is another where's dildo in the right hand cubicle. Use your TMT card with the card reader. When you are finished push the green button and head back to your cabin. There is another where's dildo near the pipes in the lower left corner. It is about time you checked out the library again. Vicki has changed dramatically and you make love. Also there is another where's dildo on the right near the pineapple. Head back to your room as you enter the cabin you are seen by an old lady. You will also find if you look in your game directory that a picture named VICKY.BMP has been added. Take a look at it. Once you have regained you composure and your clothes return to the library and talk to her again when you talk about sex ask her to prove that she is the best by taking part in the Lovemaster 2000 competition. You use your score card in the machine and Vicky enters the competition and achieves a perfect score.
Go to the Best Dressed Man Contest area. There is another where's dildo here. Unzip the fly on the mannequin to reveal a card reader. Larry gets a pathetic score of two. Go to Captain Queeg's Ballroom. Enter the ballroom . There is a where's dildo on the stage. There are also two more which are quite difficult to spot if you don't know about them. One is near the statue on the right and the other is by the table at the bottom of the screen. Talk to the woman, this is Jamie Lee Coitus talk about all available topics then choose other and type Leisure Suits. You need to get some fabric to help Jamie out. Go to the El Replicant Sculpture Garden. There is a big statue of David made from playing cards. Beside the left foot is another where's dildo. There is also a Venus De Milo made from dice. Click on the foot and take a couple of dice. Go south to the waterfall. There is another where's dildo here. Go right back to the sculpture garden. Climb the scaffolding and take a screwdriver from the tool box. Go to the employees only area. Ignore the lasers and security gadgets and walk up to the security door. Cick on it then choose other and type push. There is a where's dildo near the chairs on the right. Take the tube of KZ jelly and the jackpot preventer which is hanging above the microwave. Read the bulletin board until the messages repeat. Go to the bridge and climb the ladder. Look at the sails, they are made of polyester, just what you need. Climb the mast and take a look. Go down and enter the bridge. There is another where's dildo here. Also here are the controls to raise the sails, but you can't get to them because they are guarded by a ferocious dog. Go back outside and look at the electrical junction box. Use the screwdriver to open it. Use the jumper wire on the fuses inside. You have now shorted the P.A. system to the sail circuit. So the next time an announcement is made the sails should rise. Climb the ladder again. OK the sails are up but you need a knife to cut them. Go to the Heaving Ho. There is another where's dildo in the bowl of food. Look at the ice sculpture and lick it. Listen at the door the top of the screen and try to open it, but it is locked. Look around the dining hall until you find the bean dip and eat some. Talk to the meat carver and talk to him. He gives you a serving of S'pork. Talk to him again and you get another serving. Wang goes away to get more s'pork. There is another where's dildo here. Take the carving knife and the bulb. Return to the bridge and climb the ladder. If the sails are not up wait for an announcement, then use the knife on them. The sails come down with Larry still wrapped inside. Unfortunately that was the last announcement of the evening, so you are stuck up there all night. When the sails open next morning Larry comes down with a bump. Undeterred you head for Captain Queeg's ballroom. Talk to Jamie and give her the Polyester. You end up naked again. Head back to your room and get dressed. Head back to the ball room. Jamie is not here but she left you a note telling you to meet her backstage. Instead you end up on the stage and naked again.Back to your room again, this time you are waylaid by a reporter. At least now the Leisure suit is back in fashion. So go back to the best dressed competition. Unzip the model's fly and win easily. You now have another picture in your directory, JAMIELEE.BMP, take a look. 59ce067264